Daughters, fathers, Soviets, advisors, top brass, and interpreters. Those near, far, and lurking in the shadows — even a few notable cameos. Click on the cards to learn more about the figures at the heart of the story.

Sarah Churchill

Kathleen Harriman

Anna Roosevelt

Winston Churchill

Averell Harriman

Franklin Roosevelt

Joseph Stalin

Vyacheslav Molotov

Lavrentiy Beria

Anthony Eden

Harry Hopkins

Edward Stettinius

Charles "Peter" Portal

George Marshall

Aleksei Antonov

Arthur Birse

Chip Bohlen

Vladimir Pavlov

Pamela Churchill

John Gilbert Winant

Tomasz Arciszewski

Alger Hiss

Sergo Beria

Howard Bruenn

Svetlana Alliluyeva

Kim Philby

Adele Astaire
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